5 Workouts a Week using Different Methods of Training: CardioSculpt, CardioKickboxing, Bootcamp, Pilates, Yoga, Stretching, Ab Blast, Exercise Ball Workouts, Medicine Ball Workouts, Upper Body Blast, Lower Body Blast, Optional Gym & Treadmill Workouts and much More.
Celebrity Clients: the same Workouts & Program Design I have been doing with My Celebrity Clients for over 20years
Streaming Workouts Accessible Anytime Anywhere in the World on your Smartphone or Computer
10min Segments: Workouts are broken down into 10min segments so when you are short on time you can still pick 2-3segments to target your needs.
Modifications and Instructions for ALL levels
Community Wall Of Course we are here to Support you! Post any of your questions or concerns on the Community Wall and Jeanette answers them all every week. Scroll through the Community Wall and some of your questions may have been answered already!
Nutrition: Weekly Meal Plans with over 150+ Healthy Recipes with Calorie Counts and a convenient Calorie Calculator
Daily Motivation: To live a positive life, you must have a positive mindset so every day we post a new Daily Quote to motivate you to start the day with the right mind set.
500+ Streaming Workouts & Challenges: Access to our Virtual Gym with over 400 workouts and challenges that you can do anytime to support your healthy lifestyle so when the 30Day Challenge is over you can continue to workout and continue to achieve your goals.
Printable Workouts and Target Area Workouts to help you achieve your goals
30 Day Summer Body Bootcamp